Resolution passed 26 August 2011, Minutes No 3, Item 3
That the Committee inquire into NSW school zones to determine whether current
measures are effective and/or what else can be done to optimise safety for
students and simplify school zones for motorists, with particular reference to:
a) The effectiveness of school zones in reducing pedestrian casualties during
school zone times;
b) The major contributing factors to pedestrian casualties in school zones;
c) Age as a factor in pedestrian crash risk and the major contributing factors
for casualties by age cohort around school zones;
d) The deployment of alternative facilities to reduce reliance on school zones,
such as grade separation, traffic lights and fencing;
e) The appropriateness of a single approach school zone regime as opposed to
modifying zones based on existing infrastructure and other current safety
measures employed around schools;
f) The availability and effectiveness of current road safety education programs
in NSW schools; and
g) Any other related matters.