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Inquiry Details

Ageing Workforce - Teachers - Examination of Auditor-General's Report (Performance Audit)

Under section 57 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983, the functions of the Committee include the examination of any report of the Auditor-General laid before the Legislative Assembly and any circumstances connected with those reports.


At its meeting of 26 September 2007, the Committee adopted a systematic approach to its examination of the reports of the Auditor-General. Under this new approach, the Committee is requesting all agencies the subject of recommendations or significant comments in a report, 12 months after the tabling of that report, to provide a submission outlining the agency’s response, including any action to date. This submission will then be examined, further comment will be sought from the Auditor-General, and the Committee may subsequently hold a public hearing with relevant agency officers to clarify issues or obtain further information. The Committee’s examination is commencing with Auditor-General's reports tabled in Parliament after 30 June 2006. The process will continue for the remainder of this Parliament.

This inquiry was self-referred on 19 December 2008.

Public Finance and Audit Act 1983


57 Functions of Committee


(1) The functions of the Committee are: ...

(c1) to examine any report of the Auditor-General laid before the Legislative Assembly,

(d) to report to the Legislative Assembly from time to time upon any item in, or any circumstances connected with, those financial reports, reports or documents which the Committee considers ought to be brought to the notice of the Legislative Assembly, ...

(2) The functions of the Committee extend to an examination of, inquiry into or report upon a matter of Government policy if and only if the matter has been specifically referred to the Committee under subsection (1) (f) by the Legislative Assembly or a Minister of the Crown.

(3) The functions of the Committee do not extend to an examination of, inquiry into or report upon the estimates of any proposed expenditure by the State or by an authority of the State