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Inquiry Details

Inquiry into Public Private Partnerships

Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) refer to a range of arrangements in which the private sector is involved in the provision of government infrastructure or services. These arrangements have been one of the major recent innovations in recent public policy . PPPs have been used in New South Wales for delivering major toll road projects and new schools. Proposed projects to be delivered this way include the Bonnyrigg Living Communities housing renewal project and the replacement of RailCorp’s electric passenger train carriages. Previous Public Accounts Committees have commented repeatedly on the appropriate accountability and financing arrangements for projects. Between 1992 and 2002, the Committee published 13 reports and discussion papers. The Committee has decided that it is timely to investigate how well the Government’s is managing its PPP program. Further information on the New South Wales Government’s current PPP projects and guidelines can be found at the NSW Treasury’s Working with Government website Information about PPPs in some other jurisdictions can be found at: Commonwealth Victoria Queensland
This inquiry was self-referred on 4 May 2005.

The Committee has resolved to conduct an inquiry and report on private sector investment into public infrastructure, considering the following matters: (a) New South Wales, Australian and international legislative and policy frameworks and practices regarding private sector investment in public infrastructure; (b) Government models for evaluating and monitoring private investment in public infrastructure; (c) The framework for risk allocation between the public and private sectors and its application, especially how well risk is assessed, allocated and managed; (d) The extent of opportunities to share knowledge across and between agencies; (e) The extent to which agencies are managing Intellectual Property issues; and (f) Any other relevant matters.