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Inquiry Details

Community Housing

This inquiry was established on 27 September 2001 to report on the role and effectiveness of community housing, its regulatory framework and its management and operations.

Legislative Council Committee Report Debate, 2 December 2003 Legislative Council Committee Report Debate, 10 March 2004 Legislative Council Committee Report Debate, 17 March 2004

Reference reported to House—27 September 2001, 2nd Session, Minutes No. 123, Item 5. The inquiry was re-referred to the Committee by resolution of the House on 24 June 2003. That the Standing Committee on Social Issues inquire into and report on government-funded community housing, and in particular: The role of the government-funded community housing sector in providing accommodation within the social housing system, The effectiveness of the community housing sector in meeting the needs of its clients in a responsive and efficient manner, The relative effectiveness of large and small community housing providers in providing accommodation to their clients, The role and operation of community housing or related models in other jurisdictions so as to better inform future strategies and develop best practice within the sector in NSW, Appropriate models for community housing in rural, regional and metropolitan New South Wales, The effectiveness of links between community housing providers and government and non-government support services, The adequacy and effectiveness of training and support available to community housing providers, Current management and operational policies and practices, their efficacy and transparency, The adequacy of current reporting and regulatory frameworks in ensuring corporate governance and accountability, Any other matter arising out of or incidental to these terms of reference. That the Inquiry consider community housing providers, excluding Aboriginal community housing providers. Minutes of the Proceedings 27/09/01 - click here for link to the Minutes. Minutes of the Proceedings

That the Standing Committee on Social Issues inquire into and report on government-funded community housing, and in particular: The role of the government-funded community housing sector in providing accommodation within the social housing system, The effectiveness of the community housing sector in meeting the needs of its clients in a responsive and efficient manner, The relative effectiveness of large and small community housing providers in providing accommodation to their clients, The role and operation of community housing or related models in other jurisdictions so as to better inform future strategies and develop best practice within the sector in NSW, Appropriate models for community housing in rural, regional and metropolitan New South Wales, The effectiveness of links between community housing providers and government and non-government support services, The adequacy and effectiveness of training and support available to community housing providers, Current management and operational policies and practices, their efficacy and transparency, The adequacy of current reporting and regulatory frameworks in ensuring corporate governance and accountability, Any other matter arising out of or incidental to these terms of reference. That the Inquiry consider community housing providers, excluding Aboriginal community housing providers. Minutes of the Proceedings 27/09/01 - click here for link to the Minutes. Minutes of the Proceedings