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Inquiry Details

Progress In Improving The Safety Of Railway Level Crossings

In mid-2006, the STAYSAFE Committee commenced an inquiry to review the response to the findings and recommendations arising from its STAYSAFE 56 report into the safety of railway level crossings in New South Wales.
This inquiry was self-referred on 1 November 2006.

In 2001, the Committee resolved to conduct an inquiry into the safety of railway level crossings in New South Wales, with the following terms of reference:

  • The status of railway level crossings in New South Wales;
  • Factors contributing to crashes at railway level crossings;
  • Countermeasures which may increase the safety of railway level crossings;
  • Motorist behaviour and education regarding the use of railway level crossings; and
  • Any other related matters.

In October 2004, the Committee handed down its findings and recommendations.

In November 2006, the Committee resolved to conduct an inquiry to review the response to the findings and recommendations arising from its 2004 report into the safety of railway level crossings in NSW.