This inquiry was self-referred on 23 February 2005.
Resolution passed 23 February 2005, Minutes No 20, Item 3 page 1. The NSW Standing Committee on Public Works is to inquire into and report on
issues relating to the provision of infrastructure to coastal growth areas in
NSW (excluding the metropolitan coastal areas of Sydney, Newcastle and
The inquiry will examine:
Key coastal population growth and urban consolidation trends in NSW;
Short and long term needs of coastal communities for basic infrastructure (such
as roads, power, water and sewerage) and human services infrastructure (such
as hospitals, schools, aged care centres and sporting facilities);
Coordination of commonwealth, state and local government strategies to deliver
sustainable coastal growth and supporting infrastructure;
Best practice methods to plan, manage and provide infrastructure to coastal
growth areas; and
Management of social, environmental and economic considerations associated with
infrastructure provision in coastal growth areas.
The NSW Standing Committee on Public Works is to inquire into and report on
issues relating to the provision of infrastructure to coastal growth areas in
NSW (excluding the metropolitan coastal areas of Sydney, Newcastle and
The inquiry will examine:
Key coastal population growth and urban consolidation trends in NSW;
Short and long term needs of coastal communities for basic infrastructure (such
as roads, power, water and sewerage) and human services infrastructure (such
as hospitals, schools, aged care centres and sporting facilities);
Coordination of commonwealth, state and local government strategies to deliver
sustainable coastal growth and supporting infrastructure;
Best practice methods to plan, manage and provide infrastructure to coastal
growth areas; and
Management of social, environmental and economic considerations associated with
infrastructure provision in coastal growth areas.