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Inquiry Details

Australasian Council of Public Accounts Committees (ACPAC) Conference

ACPAC was formed in 1989 and provides a unique forum for the exchange of information and opinions relating to Public Accounts Committees, providing committees with the opportunity to share experiences, best practice and matters of mutual interest. Its aim is to improve the quality and performance of Public Accounts Committees, particularly in Australasia. The conference, entitled ‘Public Accounts Committees: Adapting to a Changing Environment’, provided scope and breadth of expertise on key factors that allow Public Accounts Committees to flourish in and take advantage of changing environments, rather than be stymied by new challenges. The conference program included key national and international speakers from Public Accounts Committees, academics and audit offices - all experts within their fields and on the nature and function of Public Accounts Committees.
No records of terms of reference are available for this inquiry.