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Inquiry Details

Inquiry into the Development of Arts and Cultural Infrastructure Outside the Sydney CBD

The NSW Public Works Committee is to examine and inquire into the development of an arts and cultural plan for NSW and the alignment of this plan to broad government planning strategies for the development of arts and cultural infrastructure outside the Sydney CBD, including regional areas.
This inquiry was self-referred on 26 June 2008.

The NSW Public Works Committee is to examine and inquire into the development of an arts and cultural plan for NSW and the alignment of this plan to broad government planning strategies for the development of arts and cultural infrastructure outside the Sydney CBD, including regional areas. In particular, the Committee will inquire into and report on: Issues of public and private funding and allocation of resources; Suitability of public infrastructure for arts and cultural life; The desirability of locating cultural facilities in close proximity to create hubs; Accessibility of cultural and arts education; Economic impacts on communities; The adequacy of the NSW State Plan and desirability of a cultural plan for the state to maximise diversity of access, with reference to the Tourism Masterplan and other relevant planning strategies. Any other relevant matters.