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Inquiry Details

2004 Mini Budget


Legislative Council Committee Report Debate, 3 June 2004 Legislative Council Committee Report Debate, 22 September 2004

Minutes of Proceedings No. 52, pp 677-678, 5 May 2004 1. That the General Purpose Standing Committee No. 1 inquire into and report on the 2004 Mini Budget. 2. That the Committee: (a) must hear evidence on the Mini Budget in public, (b) may ask for explanations from the Treasurer or officers of the Treasury relating to the items of proposed expenditure outlined in the Mini Budget, (c) have leave to sit during the sittings or any adjournment of the House. 3. That the Committee report to the House by Thursday 3 June 2004. (Minutes of Proceedings No. 52, pp 677-678, 5 May 2004)

1. That the General Purpose Standing Committee No. 1 inquire into and report on the 2004 Mini Budget. 2. That the Committee: (a) must hear evidence on the Mini Budget in public, (b) may ask for explanations from the Treasurer or officers of the Treasury relating to the items of proposed expenditure outlined in the Mini Budget, (c) have leave to sit during the sittings or any adjournment of the House. 3. That the Committee report to the House by Thursday 3 June 2004. (Minutes of Proceedings No. 52, pp 677-678, 5 May 2004)