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Committee Details

Select Committee on the Motor Vehicle Repair Industry

Committees of the 55th Parliament (2011-2015) have expired. Committees of the 56th Parliament will be appointed shortly.



(1) A select committee, to be known as the Select Committee on the Motor Vehicle Repair Industry, be appointed to inquire into and report on the motor vehicle repair industry.


(2) The committee is to examine and report on:

(a) smash repair work and whether it is being carried out to adequate safety and quality standards;

(b) the current Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct, its governance structure and dispute resolution mechanisms and whether it is effective at regulating the relationship between repairers and insurers, and in serving consumer interests;

(c) consumer choice, consumer protection and consumer knowledge in respect of contracts and repairs under insurance policies;

(d) the business practices of insurers and repairers, including vertical integration in the market, the transparency of those business practices and implications for consumers; and

(e) alternative models of regulation, including in other jurisdictions.


(3) The committee consist of five members, as follows:

(a) three Government members, one of whom shall be Mr John Barilaro;

(b) one Opposition member; and

(c) one Independent member, being Mr Greg Piper.


(4) Mr John Barilaro shall be the Chair of the committee.


(5) The members shall be nominated in writing to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly by the Government Whip and the Opposition Whip by 20 November 2013. Any changes in membership, including the Independent member, shall also be so notified.


(6) The committee have leave to sit during the sitting or any adjournment of the House.


(7) The committee have leave to make visits of inspection within the State of New South Wales and other States and Territories of Australia.


(8) The committee is to report by 30 May 2014
