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Electoral Matters

Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters

The Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters can inquire into matters referred by either House of the Parliament, or a Minister, relating to the administration of and practices associated with the following electoral laws:  

  • Electoral Act 2017 (other than Part 3)
  • Electoral Funding Act 2018
  • provisions of the Constitution Act 1902 relating to the procedures for, and conduct of, elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council (other than sections 27, 28 and 28A).

The administration of and practices associated with the above electoral laws relevant to the 2023 NSW state election have been referred to the Committee for inquiry. The Committee is to report on the inquiry within 18 months of the resolution being agreed to by both Houses.

Chair: Primrose, Peter (ALP, LC Member)
Deputy Chair: Borsak, Robert (SFF, LC Member)
Members: Bali, Stephen (ALP, LA Member)
Faehrmann, Cate (GRNS, LC Member)
Hagarty, Nathan (ALP, LA Member)
James, Tim (LIB, LA Member)
Nanva, Bob (ALP, LC Member)
Quinnell, Sally (ALP, LA Member)
Rath, Chris (LIB, LC Member)
Saffin, Janelle (ALP, LA Member)