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Murrumbidgee - 1959 (Roll: 19,959)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Braithwaite, Sidney John Independents 2,774 15.34
Enticknap, Ambrose George (Re-elected) Labor Party 8,611 47.61 10,216 56.49
Letheren, Verdon Walter Country Party 5,903 32.64 7,870 43.51
O'Connell, Francis James D.L.P. 798 4.41
Formal Votes 18,086
Informal Votes 363 1.97
Total Votes / Turnout 18,449 92.43

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
O'Connell (DLP)
Exclusion 2
Braithwaite (IND)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Braithwaite (IND) 156 19.55 2930 16.20 -2930
Enticknap (ALP) 155 19.42 8766 48.47 1450 49.49 10216 56.49
Letheren (CP) 487 61.03 6390 35.33 1480 50.51 7870 43.51
O'Connell (DLP) -798