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Hurstville - 1959 (Roll: 26,284)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion, Preferences changed primary result
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Evatt, Clive Raleigh (Defeated) Ind Labor 7,193 29.23
Mallard, Hedley Richard Horace Liberal Party 9,359 38.03 11,366 46.18
Merryfull, Edward George Independents 378 1.54
Rigby, William Matthew (Elected) Labor Party 7,680 31.21 13,244 53.82
Formal Votes 24,610
Informal Votes 378 1.51
Total Votes / Turnout 24,988 95.07
Notes: Clive Evatt was expelled from the Labor Party and contested the 1959 election as an Independent.
Corrections: Hughes and Graham (1975) list Evatt as an Independent rather than an Independent Labor candidate.

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Merryfull (IND)
Exclusion 2
Evatt (ILAB)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Evatt (ILAB) 174 46.03 7367 29.93 -7367
Mallard (LIB) 130 34.39 9489 38.56 1877 25.48 11366 46.18
Merryfull (IND) -378
Rigby (ALP) 74 19.58 7754 31.51 5490 74.52 13244 53.82