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Burwood - 1944 (Roll: 23,610)
Retained by Democratic Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Coulton, Stanley Robert Communist 3,010 14.08
Jackett, Harry Gordon (Re-elected) Democratic Party 8,253 38.61 11,205 52.42
Mallam, Heathcote Clifford Labor Party 7,310 34.20 10,170 47.58
Sutherland, Keith Cecil Theodore Liberal Democratic 2,802 13.11
Formal Votes 21,375
Informal Votes 780 3.52
Total Votes / Turnout 22,155 93.84
Corrections: The list of candidates published by the State Electoral Office refers to Coulton as a Communist candidate, and Cuneen's study of the 1944 election also refers to a Communist standing in Burwood. Coulton has therefore been listed as a Communist, differeng from Hughes and Graham (1975) who list him as an Independent.

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Sutherland (LDP)
Exclusion 2
Coulton (Com)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Coulton (Com) 225 8.03 3235 15.13 -3235
Jackett (DP) 2110 75.30 10363 48.48 842 26.03 11205 52.42
Mallam (ALP) 467 16.67 7777 36.38 2393 73.97 10170 47.58
Sutherland (LDP) -2802