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Newtown - 1880 (Roll: 3,376) - 2 to be elected
Nominations: Thursday, 18 November 1880, Polling: Monday, 22 November 1880
Candidate Votes Votes %
Brown, Stephen Campbell (Re-elected 1) 1,545 36.28
Foster, William John (Elected 2) 1,281 30.08
Young, John 844 19.82
Mitchell, Joseph 588 13.81
Formal Votes 4,258
Informal Votes 42 0.98
Total Votes / Estimated Turnout 4,300 64.31
Persons Voting / Turnout 2,171 64.31
Notes: Second member added by the 1880 Electoral Act. Check another paper to see if this is just an error in the SMH report.
Source: Report of nominations, SMH 19 November 1880, p.7 col.2-6, results from SMH 23 November, pp.2-3 including booths, though the booth totals are those published here, the candidate totals incorrectly having Young on 944 votes. Totals used here also found in Daily Telegraph, 23 November 1880, p.7 col.4..
Corrections: The Statistical Register reports 2,129 formal votes, which if correct, means that every voter cast his allowed two votes, with not one voter plumping for a single candidate. While suspicious, this has been accepted as correct.