Renewable energy is on the cutting edge of a contemporary debate that
intersects economic, social and environmental issues, one that encompasses
wider arguments about the contribution of fossil fuels to climate change.
In Australia, at the government level this debate has focused largely on the
Renewable Energy Target which mandates that 20 per cent of electricity
consumption be accounted for by renewable energy in 2020. On 22 October 2014
the Federal Industry Minister, Ian Macfarlane, indicated that this target would
be revised, an announcement that has been met with a mixed response.
With particular reference to New South Wales, this paper sets out the current
policy framework and the facts and figures as these relate to the renewable
energy industries, hydro, solar, wind and others. Prospects for investment and
further development are also discussed. One finding is that:
While consumption [of renewable energy] has grown in the last few years,
renewable energy still only accounts for less than 10 per cent of total energy
consumption in New South Wales…There is consequently considerable scope
for growth in the renewable energies sector in New South Wales.
A second finding is that:
The capacity for growth, however, is not consistent across all the forms of
renewables. New South Wales, at present, has limited capacity for growth in the
areas of wave, tidal and geothermal energy…Looking ahead, the capacity
for renewables expansion in New South Wales therefore lies in wind and to a
lesser extent solar energy.
A further reflection is that the extent of the renewable contribution to the
energy mix is contingent upon investment in the renewable industries. If the
proposed changes to the Renewable Energy Target are realised, the investment
outlook is likely to be more subdued than currently projected.