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Member Details

Ms Julia Dorothy FINN, BA, MEnvStud, MSocSc(IntlDev) MP

Member Photo
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member for Granville
Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, and Parliamentary Secretary for the Arts
Member of the Australian Labor Party
Contact Details
To ensure the speediest handling of messages, please select the correct address.
Granville Electorate Office
A Ms Julia Finn, MP
160 Merrylands Road
P (02) 9637 1656
F (02) 9897 1434
E [email protected]

Parliamentary Activity
Current Positions
Position Start Notes
Chair, Joint Select Committee on Arts and Music Education and Training in New South Wales 13 Jun 2024
Member, Joint Select Committee on Arts and Music Education and Training in New South Wales 04 Jun 2024
Parliamentary Secretary for the Arts 01 May 2023
Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier 01 May 2023
Member for Granville 28 Mar 2015
Member of the NSW Legislative Assembly 28 Mar 2015
Prior Positions
Position Start End Period Notes
Shadow Minister for Sport 12 Jun 2021 28 Mar 2023 1 year 9 months 17 days
Shadow Minister for Youth 12 Jun 2021 28 Mar 2023 1 year 9 months 17 days
Shadow Minister for Carers 03 Jul 2019 11 Jun 2021 1 year 11 months 9 days
Shadow Minister for Consumer Protection 03 Jul 2019 11 Jun 2021 1 year 11 months 9 days
Member, Joint Select Committee on Companion Animal Breeding Practices in New South Wales 13 May 2015 27 Aug 2015 3 months 15 days
About the Granville Electorate

Includes partially or wholly the following localities and postcodes.

Localities: Chester Hill, Granville, Greystanes, Guildford, Guildford West, Holroyd, Mays Hill, Merrylands, Merrylands West, Parramatta, Smithfield, South Granville, South Wentworthville, Wentworthville, Westmead, Woodpark, Yennora.

Postcodes: 2142, 2145, 2150, 2160, 2161, 2162, 2164

Area: 28.7096 square kilometres

Enrolment: 59,438

Political Party Activity

2012 to 2015 President, Parramatta Federal Electorate Council of the ALP. 2012 to 2015 Vice President, Harris Park Branch of the ALP.

Community Activity

Local Government Activity

1999 to 2015 Councillor, Parramatta City Council. 2004 to 2005 Lord Mayor, Parramatta City Council.

Military Service

Honours Received


Qualifications, Occupations and Interests

Master of Social Science (International Development) (MSocSc(IntlDev)), RMIT, 2008. Master of Environmental Studies (MEnvStud), Macquarie University, 1998. Bachelor of Arts (BA), University of Sydney, 1994.

2014 Principal Policy Officer, NSW Motor Accidents Authority. 2012 to 2014 Senior Policy Officer, Transport for NSW. 2011 to 2012 Senior Policy Officer, Housing NSW. 2009 to 2011 Policy and Research Officer, Industry Super Network. 2002 to 2009 Policy Officer, Department of Water and Energy.

Interests include running and photography.

Additional Information

Inaugural Speech, 6 May 2015: