The Department of the Legislative Council provides procedural, analytical and administrative support services to enable members of the Legislative Council to perform their parliamentary duties effectively. The parliamentary head of the Department is the President of the Legislative Council and the departmental head is the Clerk of the Parliaments.
Staff of the Department
Office of the Clerk
The Clerk of the Parliaments, also known as the Clerk of the Legislative Council, provides expert advice on parliamentary law, practice and procedure to the President, ministers and members of the House.
The Clerk is also responsible to the President for the efficient and effective administration of the Department, and works collaboratively with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly and the Executive Manager of Parliamentary Services in relation to the administration of matters concerning the New South Wales Parliament as a whole.

Mr David Blunt AM
Clerk of the Parliaments and Clerk of the Legislative Council
The Clerk is assisted in the role by the Deputy Clerk.
The Procedure Office
The Procedure Office supports the operation of the House and the procedural, protocol and research needs of members. The responsibilities of this office include:
- preparation for sittings of the House
- the publication of House business papers and updates on proceedings in the House
- maintenance of data bases on legislation, tabled papers, rules and procedures in the House
- provision of research and advice in relation to constitutional, procedural and privilege matters
- delivery of training and professional development programs for members and their staff, departmental officers and public servants
The Procedure Office is managed by the Clerk Assistant - Procedure.
The Committee Office
The Committee Office provides research, procedural and administrative support to the various committees of the Legislative Council. There are currently ten standing committees of the Council. The Committee Office may also be called on to support specially appointed select committees and joint committees of the Parliament.
Each inquiry is supported by a number of committee staff who are responsible for keeping the records of the committee, organising the meeting and hearings of committees and preparing the Chair’s draft report.
Each year the Committee Office also organises the annual Budget Estimates hearings.
The Committee Office is managed by the Clerk Assistant - Committees.
Office of the Black Rod
The Office of the Black Rod supports the protocol, ceremonial, corporate and engagement responsibilities of the department. The responsibilities of this office include:
- protocol functions as directed by the Usher of the Black Rod including the management of ceremonial events, international delegations, consular visits, security issues, parliamentary room bookings and the Fountain Court exhibition space
- assisting with visitor inquiries, school and community tours and enhancing the Parliament House and the Legislative Council visitor experience
- coordinating various communications, social media, engagement, outreach and training initiatives on behalf of the department
- preparation for sittings of the House and custodianship of the Legislative Council chamber
- supporting the corporate responsibilities of the department.
The Office of the Black Rod is managed by the Usher of the Black Rod.
More information
The Legislative Council Organisation Chart.
The Legislative Council Contact Directory.