100 25 March 2025 Program.pdf
Giving of Notices of Motions (Government Business, Bills, Business with Precedence)
Committee Tabling of Reports and Announcements
Placing or Disposal of Business
Business with Precedence under SO 118 (if any)
Giving of Notices of Motions (General Business) (for a period of up to 15 minutes).
No. 10 Work Health and Safety Amendment (Standalone Regulator) Bill; consideration of the Legislative Council amendments (Ms Sophie Cotsis).
No. x Bail Amendment (Extension of Limitation on Bail in Certain Circumstances) Bill; consideration of the Legislative Council amendment (Mr Michael Daley) To be reported.
No. 6 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate (Mr Paul Scully – Mr James Griffin*).
No. 8 Claim Farming Practices Prohibition Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate (Mr Michael Daley – Mr Adam Crouch*).
* denotes Member who adjourned the debate
† Bill forwarded from the Legislative Council
Government Business (if required)
Community Recognition Statements
Private Members’ Statements