The Department's Corporate Plan and Priorities
Strengthening engagement
Supporting our Members
Developing our people
Upholding the independence of a strong and effective Legislative Assembly
Modernising our operations.

Corporate Governance
The Department of the Legislative Assembly works collaboratively with the Department of the Legislative Council and the Department of Parliamentary Services to ensure that the Parliament of New South Wales is supported by a strong governance framework.
Our governance framework ensures the Department achieves its objectives while complying with all relevant laws, meeting community expectations and complying with standards and codes in respect to probity, accountability and transparency.
Our Setting
The Parliament of NSW is comprised of two separate Houses – the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council – and the Governor, as the King’s representative. The Legislative Assembly is made up of 93 Members, each representing an individual electorate in NSW. It is the party or coalition of parties and Members, which can command the support of the majority of Members in the Legislative Assembly that forms the Government.
While both Houses have the power to make laws ‘for the peace, welfare, and good government’ of NSW, all ‘bills appropriating any part of the public revenue, or imposing any new rate, tax or impost’ must be initiated in the Legislative Assembly. The legislative powers of both Houses are set out in the Constitution Act 1902.
Operating Environment
The Department of the Legislative Assembly operates in a dynamic political environment and tight budgetary circumstances.
On parliamentary sitting days the Department faces demanding service expectations within narrow timeframes. The uncertainties of the parliamentary timetable, with the passage of legislation, unexpected proceedings and long hours, which are all factors outside the Department’s control, impact on the volume, nature and flow of work and our resources.
The Department relies on the capability, skills and professionalism of its staff to manage the uncertain nature, complexity and volume of work in supporting the Legislative Assembly and its Members.
The Department is also accountable to its stakeholders outside the Parliament. We respond to a wide range of queries from members of the public and organisations who require accurate information about the House and its committees.