Mandatory Electronic Ankle Bracelets for Bail-released Apprehended Violence Order (AVO} Violators
Mrs Jacqueline Cairney
| Member:
Doyle, Trish
| No. of Signatories:
| Date closed:
To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly,
Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that affects countless individuals across New South Wales. Victims of domestic violence often endure repeated threats, harassment, and physical abuse, even after obtaining an AVO. Perpetrators of domestic violence frequently employ manipulative tactics, including deception and smear campaigns, to shift blame and maintain control. This behaviour often escalates to making false claims in court, causing harm.
The Solution:
Mandatory electronic ankle bracelets can significantly enhance the safety and well-being of victims by:
Monitoring Offenders: Real-time tracking of offenders' movements can deter future breaches and enable swift intervention by authorities.
Protecting Victims: By limiting the offender's ability to contact or approach the victim, these devices can provide a crucial sense of security.
Enforcing Accountability: The imposition of strict penalties, including mandatory electronic monitoring, sends a clear message that AVO breaches will not be tolerated.
A Strong Deterrent:
Electronic ankle bracelets serve as a powerful deterrent. The device is visible, alerts others, and is a daily reminder of consequences.
We, the undersigned petitioners, ask the Legislative Assembly to call on the Government to enact legislation mandating the use of electronic ankle bracelets for individuals released on bail after breaching an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO).