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Committee Details

Select Committee on the Kooragang Island Orica chemical leak


Legislative Council Committee Report Debate, 23 February 2012

Minutes of proceedings No. 35, Thursday 25 August 2011, Item 15, pp 374-376.
1. That a select committee be appointed to inquire into and report on the
Kooragang Island Orica chemical leak, in particular:

(a) the response of Orica following the incident, including:
(i) how the Chromium VI was released and how Orica became aware it had been
(ii) Orica’s understanding of the geographic extent and environmental impact of
the leak,
(iii) whether the potential health and other impacts of the leak on Orica
workers and on the community around the company’s plant were adequately
(iv) the actions and timing of Orica in reporting the leak and addressing its
immediate impacts,
(v) the adequacy of Orica’s emergency response plans and safety plans with
respect to chemical discharge or explosion prior to the incident,
(vi) compliance by Orica with licensing or regulatory obligations arising from
the incident,
(vii) whether other toxic chemicals stored or produced on the Orica Kooragang
site have potential to affect the community and environment,
(viii) Orica’s response plan to the incident,

(b) the New South Wales Government's response following the incident, including:
(i) the timelines and reporting to the Office of Environment and Heritage
within the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Office of the Minister for
Environment and Heritage, the Office of the Premier, the Department of Health,
the Office of the Minister for Health, New South Wales Fire Brigades, the
Office of the Minister for Police and Emergency Services and the Minister for
the Hunter,
(ii) the actions of government departments and agencies once notified,
(iii) the actions of government ministers and ministerial staff once notified,

(c) the final report of the inquiry into the chemical leak at the Orica site
being conducted by Brendan O’Reilly, and

(d) any other related matters arising from these terms of reference.

2. That apart from its first meeting, the committee is not to hold any further
meetings until the first sitting week following the publication of the final
report of the inquiry into the chemical leak at the Orica site being conducted
by Brendan O’Reilly.

3. That the committee consist of seven members comprising:

(a) three Government members, nominated by the Leader of the Government,

(b) two Opposition members, nominated by the Leader of the Opposition, and

(c) two cross bench members, nominated by agreement between the cross bench
members, or in the absence of agreement, by a vote of the House.

4. That at any meeting of the committee, any four members of the Committee will
constitute a quorum.

5. That a committee member who is unable to attend a deliberative meeting in
person may participate by electronic communication and may move any motion and
be counted for the purpose of any quorum or division, provided that:

(a) the Chair is present in the meeting room,

(b) all members are able to speak and hear each other at all times, and

(c) a member may not participate by electronic communication in a meeting to
consider a draft report.

6. That the committee report by the last sitting day of the second sitting week
of 2012.

Minutes of Proceedings No. 37, Tuesday 6 September 2011, Item 19, p 395:
The President informed the House that the Clerk has received the following
nominations for membership to the Select Committee on the Kooragang Island
Orica chemical leak:
Government: Mr Khan, Mr Mason-Cox, Mrs Pavey
Opposition: Mr Foley, Mr Searle
Cross Bench: Mr Borsak, Ms Faehrmann.

Minutes of Proceedings No 57, Tuesday 22 November 2011, Item 18, p 596:
The President informed the House that on Friday 18 November the Clerk received
Mr Borsak's resignation from the Committee and had subsequently received a
nomination from Mr Brown to fill the vacancy.
