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Committee Details

Select Committee on the provisions of the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment Bill 2011

The Select Committee on the provisions of the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment Bill 2011 is a current select committee of the Legislative Council, established 23 November 2011.
Resolution passed 23 November 2011, Minutes No 58, Item 22, pp 614-616
1. That a select committee be appointed to inquire into and report on the
provisions of the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment Bill
2011, and in particular:

(a) the constraints imposed by the bill on community and not-for-profit
organisations, including unions, community groups, clubs and environment and
social justice organisations and their ability to engage in the political

(b) the impact of the bill on peak organisations, whose constituent entities
are themselves membership-based,

(c) the impact on community organisations, whose members are voters registered
to vote,

(d) the impact of the prohibition on the payment of affiliation fees for
organisations affiliated to political parties,

(e) the impact of donation caps on donations of registered voters and their

(f) the impact of the aggregation of the electoral spending of affiliated
organisations under the expenditure cap of the party to which they are

(g) any amendments necessary to address any adverse impact identified, and

(h) the risks of a successful constitutional challenge.

2. That the committee report by 15 February 2012.

3. That the committee consist of nine members as follows:

(a) four Government members,

(b) three Opposition members,

(c) The Hon. Robert Borsak, and

(d) Dr John Kaye

4. That the chair of the committee be Dr Kaye.
