1. That the Public Accounts Committee examine, inquire into and report on the audited financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024 and associated annual reporting information of the Northern Sydney Local Health District and the NSW Ministry of Health, as they specifically relate to the public health services funded by Northern Sydney Local Health District and delivered at Northern Beaches Hospital.
2. That as part of this inquiry the Committee inquire into and report on the safety and quality of health services provided at Northern Beaches Hospital from the period 30 October 2018 to 13 March 2025, and in particular:
a. Services provided by the Emergency Department, including to vulnerable patients and children
b. The number, type, and severity of reportable incidents and other incidents for which a Serious Adverse Event Review (SAER) within the meaning of the Private Health Facilities Act 2007 (NSW) and Regulation, was undertaken (each, a Review Incident)
c. The response of Northern Beaches Hospital to Review Incidents, including the extent to which findings and recommendations of any investigations into those incidents were accepted or implemented
d. How Northern Beaches Hospital implements and supports patient and carer escalation programs, including but not limited to the Recognise, Engage, Act, Call, Help is on its way (REACH) program
e. The adequacy of any other systems, processes and governance arrangements in place at Northern Beaches Hospital aimed at preventing Review Incidents
f. Clinical staffing at Northern Beaches Hospital including the adequacy, skill mix and capability of staffing levels, and their alignment to relevant staffing and capability standards.
3. That the Committee consider the extent to which relevant findings and recommendations of the 2019 Parliamentary inquiry into the operation and management of the Northern Beaches Hospital have been implemented, having regard to the Government response to that inquiry.
4. That the Committee take into account relevant findings and recommendations that may be released by the ongoing:
a. Special Commission of Inquiry into Healthcare Funding
b. Northern Beaches Hospital audit by the Auditor-General for NSW
5. That the Committee have regard to, and conduct its inquiry in a manner that does not prejudice:
a. any inquest undertaken by the State Coroner in relation to the death of Master Joe Massa at Northern Beaches Hospital in September 2024
b. any internal investigation into the death of Master Joe Massa at Northern Beaches Hospital in September 2024
6. That the Committee have regard to any other related matter.