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Inquiry Details

The electricity outages affecting Far West NSW in October 2024

The Committee on Environment and Planning is inquiring into the major electricity outages in the Far West region of New South Wales in October 2024. The Committee adopted the inquiry on Thursday 21 November 2024, following a referral from the Minister for Energy, The Hon. Penny Sharpe MLC.


On 17 October 2024, a storm severely impacted power supplies to Broken Hill and towns in the Far West of NSW, including Menindee, Silverton, Tibooburra, White Cliffs, and Wilcannia. In the period from 17 to 31 October 2024, impacted communities in the Far West experienced major electricity outages.


The Inquiry will consider the preparation and mitigation strategies in place by electricity providers in Far West NSW in the event of a major electricity outage, and other matters as outlined in the inquiry's terms of reference which can be accessed below. This includes the effectiveness of providers' communications strategies regarding electricity outages and responses.


The Inquiry is open for public submissions.

Chair: Barr, Clayton (ALP, LA Member)
Deputy Chair: Quinnell, Sally (ALP, LA Member)
Members: Hannan, Judy (IND, LA Member)
Sloane, Kellie (LIB, LA Member)
Stuart, Maryanne (ALP, LA Member)