Resolution passed 2 December, Minutes of Proceedings No. 36, Item 17, p 466 That, in relation to the inquiry into the New South Wales workers compensation
scheme undertaken in the previous Parliament, General Purpose Standing
Committee No. 1 inquire into and report on the implementation of its
recommendations and conclusions and any developments in workers compensation in
New South Wales since the Committee's final report in September 2002 and in
(a) the extent to which the McKinsey and Company's scheme design review
commissioned by WorkCover New South Wales addressed the Committee's evidence,
conclusions and recommendations, and
(b) the incidence of fraud in workers compensation both in relation to
fraudulent practices by employers and fraudulent and exaggerated claims by
employees, including:
(i) the priority and resources given to fraud investigation by WorkCover New
South Wales,
(ii) the methods of investigating and prosecuting fraud,
(iii) the methods used to combat fraud and their effectiveness,
(iv) the cost of fraud to the New South Wales workers compensation scheme, and
(v) methods used in other jurisdictions to combat fraud.
"The committee will meet at a future date to consider the management of this
That, in relation to the inquiry into the New South Wales workers compensation
scheme undertaken in the previous Parliament, General Purpose Standing
Committee No. 1 inquire into and report on the implementation of its
recommendations and conclusions and any developments in workers compensation in
New South Wales since the Committee's final report in September 2002 and in
(a) the extent to which the McKinsey and Company's scheme design review
commissioned by WorkCover New South Wales addressed the Committee's evidence,
conclusions and recommendations, and
(b) the incidence of fraud in workers compensation both in relation to
fraudulent practices by employers and fraudulent and exaggerated claims by
employees, including:
(i) the priority and resources given to fraud investigation by WorkCover New
South Wales,
(ii) the methods of investigating and prosecuting fraud,
(iii) the methods used to combat fraud and their effectiveness,
(iv) the cost of fraud to the New South Wales workers compensation scheme, and
(v) methods used in other jurisdictions to combat fraud.
"The committee will meet at a future date to consider the management of this