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Inquiry Details

Fisheries Management and Resource Allocation in New South Wales

An inquiry into fisheries management and resource allocation in New South Wales

The Standing Committee on State Development is to inquire into and report on : 1 Fisheries management and resource allocation in New South Wales and, in particular: 1 the implementation and administration of the Fisheries Management Act 1994; 2 resource sustainability under current management and administrative practices; 3 habitat protection within New South Wales; 4 consultative mechanisms within the commercial and recreational fishing sectors and the relevant Department; 5 research priorities relating to fisheries management within New South Wales; 6 aboriginal participation in the fishing industry and in fisheries management; and 7 the licencing, management and monitoring of recreational fishers in New South Wales. 2 That the Committee obtain such expert advice as may be necessary to assist the Committee with its inquiry. That the Committee report by 30 September 1997.