That the Committee on Children and Young People inquire into, and report on, volunteering and unpaid work placements among children and young people in NSW, and in particular:
- Existing policies relating to volunteering and unpaid work placements among children and
young people in NSW;
- Measures to encourage volunteering and foster opportunities for volunteering among
children and young people in NSW, including possible incentives to volunteer;
- Best practice in supporting and promoting safe opportunities for volunteering and unpaid
work placements among children and young people in other jurisdictions, both in Australia
and overseas;
- The role of the Commission for Children and Young People and the Office of the Children’s
Guardian in supporting and promoting safe volunteering and unpaid work placement
opportunities among children and young people in NSW;
- Providing the NSW Government with advice on how it can better engage with and support
children and young people in volunteering and unpaid work placements; and
- Any other related matter.