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Inquiry Details

Waste Minimisation and Management

The Standing Committee on State Development was first established by resolution on 24 May 1995.


The committee was re-appointed on 25 May 1999. Under the resolution the functions of the State Development Committee are to inquire into, consider and report to the Legislative Council from time to time on matters concerned with policy directions to ensure that opportunities for sound growth and wise development are pursued throughout New South Wales.


Portfolios include the Treasury, State Development, the Olympics, Transport and Roads, Information Technology, Energy, Forestry, Western Sydney, Agriculture, Land and Water Conservation, the Environment, Local Government, Regional Development, Rural Affairs, Public Works and Services, Small Business, Tourism, Mineral Resources and Fisheries.


Resolution passed 25 May 1999, 1st Session, Minutes No. 4, pp 76-82.

That the Standing Committee on State Development inquire into and report on:


(a) the regulation of waste material (including hazardous waste) and the roles of Local Government, the Environment Protection Authority, the New South Wales Police Service, and the Roads and Traffic Authority in the enforcement of the Waste Minimisation and Management Regulation, 1996;

(b) the relationship between the collection of levies for waste disposal and hypothecation of funds to the minimisation of waste and waste reduction strategies; and

(c) the extent to which the Government’s pre-election policy on waste and waste minimisation has been implemented through the Waste Minimisation and Management Regulation, 1996. That the Committee report by 25 April 1997.