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Inquiry Details

Inquiry into Child Sexual Assault Prosecutions

The Committee was first established on 24 May 1995. The Committee was re-appointed on 25 May 1999 for the previous Parliament. It is anticipated that the Committee will be reappointed during the first session of the current Parliament. The functions of the Committee are to inquire into, consider and report on matters concerned with legal and constitutional issues including law reform, parliamentary matters, criminal law and administrative law; issues arising in connection with the New South Wales criminal justice system, including matters concerned with Attorney General, police and corrective services and juvenile justice; industrial relations; emergency services and fair trading.
11 December, 2001, 2nd Session, Minutes No. 139, Item 15 The Standing Committee on Law and Justice is to inquire into and report on: The circumstances surrounding the prosecution of child sexual assault matters, including: communication between the police and the complainant, and the complainant and the prosecution concerning the consequences of pursuing a prosecution for child sexual assault; the role of sexual assault counsellors in the complaint process the impact of the application of the rules of evidence, other legislative provisions and court practices in prosecutions for child sexual assault offences alternative procedures for the prosecution of child sexual assault matters including alternative models for the punishment of offenders possible civil responses to perpetrators and victims of child sexual assault appropriate methods of sustaining ongoing dialogue between the community, government and non-government agencies about issues of common concern with respect to child sexual assault; and any related matter concerning approaches to child sexual assault in the justice system. Closing date for submissions is Friday 15 February 2002

The Standing Committee on Law and Justice is to inquire into and report on: The circumstances surrounding the prosecution of child sexual assault matters, including: communication between the police and the complainant, and the complainant and the prosecution concerning the consequences of pursuing a prosecution for child sexual assault; the role of sexual assault counsellors in the complaint process the impact of the application of the rules of evidence, other legislative provisions and court practices in prosecutions for child sexual assault offences alternative procedures for the prosecution of child sexual assault matters including alternative models for the punishment of offenders possible civil responses to perpetrators and victims of child sexual assault appropriate methods of sustaining ongoing dialogue between the community, government and non-government agencies about issues of common concern with respect to child sexual assault; and any related matter concerning approaches to child sexual assault in the justice system. Closing date for submissions is Friday 15 February 2002