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Bill details

Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Balloons) Bill 2024

Type: Private members
Status: In Legislative Assembly, 2R Debate, in progress, Thu 8 Aug 2024
Bill Remarks:

LA: On 6/8/2024 the House agreed to extend the lapsing date of the bill to 24/10/2024.

LA: Bill lapses in accordance with Standing Orders 8/8/24.

Origin: Legislative Assembly
Member with Carriage: Shetty, Kobi
Long Title: An Act to amend the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 to prohibit the release of lighter-than-air balloons.
Legislative Assembly
Initially introduced in the Legislative Assembly
Introduced by: Shetty, Kobi
Notice of Motion: Wed 7 Feb 2024
Introduced: Thu 6 Jun 2024
First Reading: Thu 6 Jun 2024
2R Speech: Thu 6 Jun 2024
Second Reading: Thu 8 Aug 2024
Legislative Council
Documents and Transcripts
Text of Bill:
First Print.pdf First Print.pdf
Previous Version(s):
Not available at this stage.
Explanatory Notes:
XN Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Balloons) Bill 2024.pdf XN Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Balloons) Bill 2024.pdf

Transcript of speeches:
2R Speech LA Second Reading Speech LA
2R Speech LC Not available at this stage.

Amendments for Consideration:
Legislative Assembly
No amendments.
Legislative Council
No amendments.

Amendments Agreed To:
Legislative Assembly
No amendments.
Legislative Council
No amendments.

Bill digest
See Legislation Review Digest No. 15/58 for an examination of this Bill by the Legislation Review Committee.