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Willoughby - 2007 (Roll: 47,268)
Retained by Liberal Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Berejiklian, Gladys (Re-elected) Liberal Party 20,998 50.17 22,679 64.47
Beattie, Linda Labor Party 6,354 15.18
Steel, Mike Greens 4,683 11.19
Day, Roy Australian Democrat 478 1.14
Heng, Esther Christian Democrat 699 1.67
Kam, Cherie Unity 1,189 2.84
Reilly, Pat Independent 7,456 17.81 12,496 35.53
Formal Votes 41,857
Informal / Exhausted Votes 985 2.30 6,682 15.96
Total Votes / Turnout 42,842 90.64

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Day (DEM)
Exclusion 2
Heng (CDP)
Exclusion 3
Kam (UNI)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Berejiklian (LIB) 44 14.29 21042 50.48 245 56.84 21287 51.41 89 15.98 21376 52.49
Beattie (ALP) 35 11.36 6389 15.33 42 9.74 6431 15.53 80 14.36 6511 15.99
Steel (GRN) 128 41.56 4811 11.54 21 4.87 4832 11.67 61 10.95 4893 12.01
Day (DEM) -478
Heng (CDP) 10 3.25 709 1.70 -709
Kam (UNI) 16 5.19 1205 2.89 35 8.12 1240 2.99 -1240
Reilly (IND) 75 24.35 7531 18.07 88 20.42 7619 18.40 327 58.71 7946 19.51
Votes In Count 308 41687 431 41409 557 40726
Exhausted 170 35.56 170 0.41 278 39.21 448 1.07 683 55.08 1131 2.70

Distribution of Preferences - part 2
Exclusion 4
Steel (GRN)
Exclusion 5
Beattie (ALP)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Berejiklian (LIB) 430 14.90 21806 56.32 873 21.98 22679 64.47
Beattie (ALP) 1005 34.82 7516 19.41 -7516
Steel (GRN) -4893
Reilly (IND) 1451 50.28 9397 24.27 3099 78.02 12496 35.53
Votes In Count 2886 38719 3972 35175
Exhausted 2007 41.02 3138 7.50 3544 47.15 6682 15.96