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Lane Cove - 2007 (Roll: 46,149)
Retained by Liberal Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Botting, Kate Australian Democrat 1,801 4.36
O'Donnell, Gabrielle Labor Party 10,094 24.44 14,101 37.64
Roberts, Anthony (Re-elected) Liberal Party 21,579 52.25 23,365 62.36
Baalbergen, Arie Christian Democrat 960 2.32
Ho, William Unity 806 1.95
Forrest, Shauna Greens 6,059 14.67
Formal Votes 41,299
Informal / Exhausted Votes 1,113 2.62 3,833 9.28
Total Votes / Turnout 42,412 91.90

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Ho (UNI)
Exclusion 2
Baalbergen (CDP)
Exclusion 3
Botting (DEM)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Botting (DEM) 34 10.59 1835 4.50 64 11.00 1899 4.70 -1899
O'Donnell (ALP) 95 29.60 10189 24.96 80 13.75 10269 25.41 366 29.05 10635 26.74
Roberts (LIB) 88 27.41 21667 53.09 377 64.78 22044 54.54 239 18.97 22283 56.02
Baalbergen (CDP) 21 6.54 981 2.40 -981
Ho (UNI) -806
Forrest (GRN) 83 25.86 6142 15.05 61 10.48 6203 15.35 655 51.98 6858 17.24
Votes In Count 321 40814 582 40415 1260 39776
Exhausted 485 60.17 485 1.17 399 40.67 884 2.14 639 33.65 1523 3.69

Distribution of Preferences - part 2
Exclusion 4
Forrest (GRN)
PreferencesNew Totals
O'Donnell (ALP) 3466 76.21 14101 37.64
Roberts (LIB) 1082 23.79 23365 62.36
Forrest (GRN) -6858
Votes In Count 4548 37466
Exhausted 2310 33.68 3833 9.28