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The Entrance - 2003 (Roll: 46,253)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
McBride, Grant (Re-elected) Labor Party 21,763 52.13 23,118 59.55
Chermak, Peter One Nation 465 1.11
Oates, Garry Aust. Against Further Immigration 548 1.31
Ellis, Bryan Save Our Suburbs 327 0.78
Wood, Steve Christian Democrats 866 2.07
Walker, Phil Liberal Party 14,920 35.74 15,700 40.45
Hastie, Carolyn Australian Democrats 496 1.19
Parry-Jones, Gwen The Greens 2,362 5.66
Formal Votes 41,747
Informal / Exhausted Votes 929 2.18 2,929 7.02
Total Votes / Turnout 42,676 92.27

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Ellis (SOS)
Exclusion 2
Chermak (ONP)
Exclusion 3
Hastie (DEM)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
McBride (ALP) 29 22.83 21792 52.45 47 27.33 21839 52.95 60 27.15 21899 53.47
Chermak (ONP) 9 7.09 474 1.14 -474
Oates (AFI) 19 14.96 567 1.36 63 36.63 630 1.53 10 4.52 640 1.56
Ellis (SOS) -327
Wood (CDP) 7 5.51 873 2.10 13 7.56 886 2.15 6 2.71 892 2.18
Walker (LIB) 30 23.62 14950 35.98 25 14.53 14975 36.31 31 14.03 15006 36.64
Hastie (DEM) 5 3.94 501 1.21 8 4.65 509 1.23 -509
Parry-Jones (GRN) 28 22.05 2390 5.75 16 9.30 2406 5.83 114 51.58 2520 6.15
Votes In Count 127 41547 172 41245 221 40957
Exhausted 200 61.16 200 0.48 302 63.71 502 1.20 288 56.58 790 1.89

Distribution of Preferences - part 2
Exclusion 4
Oates (AFI)
Exclusion 5
Wood (CDP)
Exclusion 6
Parry-Jones (GRN)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
McBride (ALP) 81 35.37 21980 54.21 119 21.88 22099 55.02 1019 80.49 23118 59.55
Oates (AFI) -640
Wood (CDP) 36 15.72 928 2.29 -928
Walker (LIB) 61 26.64 15067 37.16 386 70.96 15453 38.48 247 19.51 15700 40.45
Parry-Jones (GRN) 51 22.27 2571 6.34 39 7.17 2610 6.50 -2610
Votes In Count 229 40546 544 40162 1266 38818
Exhausted 411 64.22 1201 2.88 384 41.38 1585 3.80 1344 51.49 2929 7.02