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Orange - 2003 (Roll: 44,331)
Retained by National Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Taylor, Glenn Country Labor 13,484 33.14 15,565 42.93
Buckingham, Jeremy The Greens 1,709 4.20
Turner, Russell (Re-elected) National Party 18,418 45.26 20,690 57.07
McLean, Bruce Christian Democrats 1,217 2.99
Hetherington, Peter Independent 5,864 14.41
Formal Votes 40,692
Informal / Exhausted Votes 831 2.00 4,437 10.90
Total Votes / Turnout 41,523 93.67

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
McLean (CDP)
Exclusion 2
Buckingham (GRN)
Exclusion 3
Hetherington (IND)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Taylor (CLR) 87 10.94 13571 33.70 398 43.36 13969 35.40 1596 49.91 15565 42.93
Buckingham (GRN) 19 2.39 1728 4.29 -1728
Turner (NAT) 522 65.66 18940 47.03 148 16.12 19088 48.37 1602 50.09 20690 57.07
McLean (CDP) -1217
Hetherington (IND) 167 21.01 6031 14.98 372 40.52 6403 16.23 -6403
Votes In Count 795 40270 918 39460 3198 36255
Exhausted 422 34.68 422 1.04 810 46.88 1232 3.03 3205 50.05 4437 10.90