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Granville - 1999 (Roll: 44,216)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
O'Connor, Shane One Nation 3,599 9.07
Wadsworth, David Aust. Against Further Immigration 724 1.83
Issa, Tony Liberal Party 11,631 29.32 13,011 35.42
Gillbank, Melanie The Greens 1,379 3.48
Yeadon, Kim (Re-elected) Labor Party 22,330 56.30 23,720 64.58
Formal Votes 39,663
Informal / Exhausted Votes 1,489 3.62 2,932 7.39
Total Votes / Turnout 41,152 93.07

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Wadsworth (AFI)
Exclusion 2
Gillbank (GRN)
Exclusion 3
O'Connor (ONP)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
O'Connor (ONP) 135 41.16 3734 9.51 71 9.53 3805 9.86 -3805
Wadsworth (AFI) -724
Issa (LIB) 63 19.21 11694 29.78 180 24.16 11874 30.78 1137 57.89 13011 35.42
Gillbank (GRN) 61 18.60 1440 3.67 -1440
Yeadon (ALP) 69 21.04 22399 57.04 494 66.31 22893 59.35 827 42.11 23720 64.58
Votes In Count 328 39267 745 38572 1964 36731
Exhausted 396 54.70 396 1.00 695 48.26 1091 2.75 1841 48.38 2932 7.39