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East Hills - 1995 (Roll: 36,890)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Parker, Max Independent 5,284 15.68
Rogan, Pat (Re-elected) Labor Party 16,732 49.64 19,039 60.67
Hughes, Ann Natural Law Party 269 0.80
Moffat, John Aust. Against Further Immigration 2,460 7.30
Sparkes, David Liberal Party 8,964 26.59 12,342 39.33
Formal Votes 33,709
Informal / Exhausted Votes 1,665 4.71 2,328 6.91
Total Votes / Turnout 35,374 95.89

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Hughes (LAW)
Exclusion 2
Moffat (AFI)
Exclusion 3
Parker (IND)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Parker (IND) 43 24.16 5327 15.85 517 33.79 5844 17.91 -5844
Rogan (ALP) 69 38.76 16801 49.98 575 37.58 17376 53.24 1663 36.23 19039 60.67
Hughes (LAW) -269
Moffat (AFI) 53 29.78 2513 7.48 -2513
Sparkes (LIB) 13 7.30 8977 26.70 438 28.63 9415 28.85 2927 63.77 12342 39.33
Votes In Count 178 33618 1530 32635 4590 31381
Exhausted 91 33.83 91 0.27 983 39.12 1074 3.19 1254 21.46 2328 6.91