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Canterbury - 1995 (Roll: 38,658)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Terrett, Paul Francis Liberal Party 11,527 34.64 12,364 38.32
Nicholls, Shane Independent 1,077 3.24
Dalrymple, Garry Australian Democrats 1,014 3.05
Warrington, John Transport Action Group 864 2.60
Moss, Kevin (Re-elected) Labor Party 18,792 56.48 19,905 61.68
Formal Votes 33,274
Informal / Exhausted Votes 3,793 10.23 1,005 3.02
Total Votes / Turnout 37,067 95.88

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Warrington (TAG)
Exclusion 2
Dalrymple (DEM)
Exclusion 3
Nicholls (IND)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Terrett (LIB) 120 19.83 11647 35.28 217 27.30 11864 36.32 500 45.17 12364 38.32
Nicholls (IND) 146 24.13 1223 3.70 281 35.35 1504 4.60 -1504
Dalrymple (DEM) 130 21.49 1144 3.47 -1144
Warrington (TAG) -864
Moss (ALP) 209 34.55 19001 57.55 297 37.36 19298 59.08 607 54.83 19905 61.68
Votes In Count 605 33015 795 32666 1107 32269
Exhausted 259 29.98 259 0.78 349 30.51 608 1.83 397 26.40 1005 3.02