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Cabramatta - 1995 (Roll: 41,731)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Aiken, Bob Unaffiliated 1,151 3.26
Gattellari, Rocky Liberal Party 8,636 24.49 9,755 28.75
Meagher, Reba (Re-elected) Labor Party 23,058 65.40 24,174 71.25
Horgan, Mick Citizen Opinion Law Order 907 2.57
Reverberi, Daniela Australian Democrats 1,505 4.27
Formal Votes 35,257
Informal / Exhausted Votes 3,796 9.72 1,328 3.77
Total Votes / Turnout 39,053 93.58

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Horgan (COL)
Exclusion 2
Aiken (-)
Exclusion 3
Reverberi (DEM)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Aiken (-) 76 13.48 1227 3.51 -1227
Gattellari (LIB) 126 22.34 8762 25.10 429 54.72 9191 26.66 564 43.65 9755 28.75
Meagher (ALP) 160 28.37 23218 66.50 228 29.08 23446 68.02 728 56.35 24174 71.25
Horgan (COL) -907
Reverberi (DEM) 202 35.82 1707 4.89 127 16.20 1834 5.32 -1834
Votes In Count 564 34914 784 34471 1292 33929
Exhausted 343 37.82 343 0.97 443 36.10 786 2.23 542 29.55 1328 3.77