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Canterbury - 1988 (Roll: 32,436)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Moss, Kevin (Re-elected) Labor Party 13,692 47.67 14,527 53.40
Papadakis, Victoria Independent EFF 7,194 25.05 12,678 46.60
Ritchie, Paul Douglas Liberal Party 6,911 24.06
Costa, Dorothy Socialist Party 923 3.21
Formal Votes 28,720
Informal / Exhausted Votes 1,417 4.70 1,515 5.28
Total Votes / Turnout 30,137 92.91

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Costa (SPA)
Exclusion 2
Ritchie (LIB)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Moss (ALP) 440 66.57 14132 49.66 395 6.85 14527 53.40
Papadakis (EFF) 109 16.49 7303 25.66 5375 93.15 12678 46.60
Ritchie (LIB) 112 16.94 7023 24.68 -7023
Costa (SPA) -923
Votes In Count 661 28458 5770 27205
Exhausted 262 28.39 262 0.91 1253 17.84 1515 5.28