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Orange - 1874-5 (Roll: 2,090)
Nominations: Tuesday, 15 December 1874, Polling: Thursday, 17 December 1874
Candidate Votes Votes %
Johns, James 139 20.00
Nelson, Harris Levi (Re-elected) 550 79.14
Sheridan, Richard 6 0.86
Formal Votes 695
Informal Votes 17 2.39
Total Votes / Turnout 712 34.07
Persons Voting / Turnout 712 34.07
Notes: Some reports refer to a Mr James being nominated, but this is probably a confusion over the name James Johns.
Source: Totals taken from Bathurst Times, 23 December 1874, p.? Col.1 including informal votes. Same totals in SMH 22 December 1874, p.8 col.2-3, and the Empire 19 December, p.2 col.5. Empire referred to Mr James being nominated 16 December, p.2 col.4. Full names of candidates were located in a very brief report, Evening News, 16 December, p.2 col.1.