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Phillip, Brisbane and Bligh - 1856 (Roll: 428)
Nominations: Monday, 31 March 1856, Polling: Friday, 11 April 1856
Candidate Votes Votes %
Docker, Joseph 59 25.88
Robertson, John (Elected) 169 74.12
Formal Votes 228
Informal Votes 0 0.00
Total Votes / Turnout 228 53.27
Persons Voting / Turnout 228 53.27
Notes: Sitting Legislative Councillor for this district, William Dumaresq, did not contest the election. J.Rundle was mentioned as a nominated candidate, but did not appear in any of the published results.
Source: Short report of nominations SMH 4 April 1856, p.3 col.3 extracted from Maitland Mercury. Maitland Mercury, report of nominationd, 5 April p.2 col.1-4, results 30 April p.2 col.2, matching reported number of persons voting. Booth details were published in Mercury 29 April, p.2 col.5-7. Slightly different totals with Docker on 63 votes published in SMH election summary, 30 April 1856, p.5 col.1.